Wonderfully Made Ministry empowers all girls and boys to know that they are “fearfully and wonderfully made.”
Wonderfully Made Ministry has summer camps that support the mission statement. Camp Wonderfully Made for Girls ages 5-12 and S.O.A.R Camp for Boys ages 7-12. We also operate a Christian based after-school enrichment program for children ages 5-10 who live in the Haynes Garden Apartment Community in downtown Nashville.
“For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and
wonderfully made; I know that full well.”
Welcome, Cortland Finnegan!
Many of you may know Cortland Finnegan from the years he played football for the Tennessee Titans. I know Cortland Finnegan because of his beautiful wife and two precious daughters who have been attending and involved in Camp Wonderfully Made for many years.
I am thrilled to announce that Cortland will be joining Camp Wonderfully Made to spread the good news of Jesus to boys. His camp will be called S.O.A.R Camp for Boys which stands for S-erving, O-thers, A-above, ouRselves.
Cortland is definitely a gifted athlete, but what stands out to me is his heart to serve other people. He shared with me that as a young boy he always thought he had to be “good” to be a Christian. He gave his life to Jesus when he attended Samford University. It was then that he realized that God’s grace and mercy covered him no matter if his behavior was “good” or “bad.” His words to me with a big smile on his face, “His love is incredible.”